Plus, nature's prosperity codes, psychic decision making and more...
Plus, how to court a love deity for romance help + trusting your body's intelligence in love...
Plus, how to connect your intuition to body intelligence, your body's secret storage system and more...
Plus - sacred smoke divination, using amethyst to develop inner sight & why today holds special vision power...
Plus - sacred money bowls, prosperity plants & why today holds special abundance power...
Plus - sacred bath ceremonies, first light blessings & why tonight's rituals can change everything...
Plus - ancient mirror divination, sacred bell traditions & why these 3 days hold special magic...
A psychic oracle reading for your week ahead, as we enter 2025!
Plus - sacred grain rituals, prosperity fire ceremonies & why this "between time" is pure magic...
Plus - the sacred art of winter rest, frankincense secrets & why your body's wisdom is right on schedule...
Plus - evergreen medicine secrets, sacred smoke rituals & why this "quiet time" is actually magical...
A psychic oracle reading for your week ahead, Post-Solstice!