A special direct transmission from Supreme Mother + Supreme Father for humanity during these times...
An in-depth guide to creating a magical and abundant Thanksgiving this season - based on community, ancestors and gratitude
Plus, why the gods may be ghosting you, how baby Zeus got the goods out of a goat's horn and more...
Plus, how to meet your soulmate in dreamtime, ancient love potion secrets using everyday ingredients and more...
Plus, science-backed metal alchemy for health, elemental detox tips and more...
Plus, a free eight-part course on healing with flower essences, how to muscle test what you need, and more...
An in-depth guide to the 5-day celebrations of Diwali, Festival of Lights... with rituals, mantras and magical ways to activate your inner radiance
A spooky walk through the ages of our traditions from Samhain to Halloween to Dia De Los Muertos...
Plus, great love goddess hacks when the veils are the thinnest (tomorrow), a parasitic love plant and more...
Plus, this tiny seed packs a massive magical punch, a tarot spread to tip the scales in your favor, and more...
Also, do you know this month's energies according to Celtic astrology?
An in-depth guide to 'walking in beauty,' a Blessingway Ritual, the four sacred colors and more...