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🐘 Follow this mighty desert giant to hidden wealth πŸ’«

Plus - sacred money bowls, prosperity plants & why today holds special abundance power...

Happy New Years! We hope you rang in the New Year yesterday with loved ones and magical vibes!

things to know


Ancient cultures worldwide recognized the elephant as a powerful prosperity ally - from Hindu Ganesha, remover of obstacles and patron of abundance, to African traditions where the elephant represents royalty and wealth. These mighty beings were seen as walking symbols of prosperity consciousness!

A herd's matriarch must constantly find rare nourishment for her and her loved ones during increasingly deadly draughts. She uses all her senses, from the scent of distant rain to her impeccable memory, to the sensitive vibrations she can feel in her feet as thunder claps miles away.

Elephant medicine reminds us that we have the resources we need to locate the resources we must get.

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Connect with elephant medicine through a morning meditation. Traditional practices suggest facing east (where the sun rises, bringing new abundance), visualizing an elephant blessing your path, and speaking this affirmation:

"Like the elephant, I move confidently toward abundance, remembering all paths to prosperity." Ancient wisdom says this spiritual connection grows stronger with daily practice!


Prosperity bowls have a rich history across cultures - from Chinese wealth bowls to Hindu abundance kalashes. These weren't just decorative containers; they were seen as sacred vessels for attracting and holding prosperity energy.

Despite developing independently, many traditional abundance bowl practices share common elements - like placing them in the home's wealth corner (typically the southeast in classical feng shui) and keeping them continuously "fed" with offerings.

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Create your own prosperity bowl using traditional elements - a brass or copper bowl (historically associated with abundance), nine coins (the classical number of completion), and rice or salt (universal prosperity symbols).

Traditional practices suggest adding one coin each Thursday while speaking gratitude for increasing abundance!


Long before the modern "money tree" houseplant trend, traditional cultures worldwide recognized certain plants as natural abundance amplifiers. From Chinese jade plants to European bay laurel, these green allies were seen as living prosperity anchors.

In fact, specific plants were considered so essential for success that they were said to be passed down through generations of business owners like family heirlooms.

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Choose a traditional prosperity plant like jade (Crassula ovata, historically associated with wealth), place it in your southeast corner, and tend it with intention. Traditional practices suggest speaking prosperity blessings while watering each Thursday!

✨ Tomorrow: Join us for our special Friday Oracle Reading where we'll reveal the psychic insights and energetic themes for your week ahead…