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  • 👩‍❤️‍👨 How to empower your inner king 🫅 + 👸 queen for abundance WITHOUT triggering a wound war ⚔️

👩‍❤️‍👨 How to empower your inner king 🫅 + 👸 queen for abundance WITHOUT triggering a wound war ⚔️

Plus, getting the Remover of Obstacles in your corner, seeing gold in your dreams and more...

What if we’ve been getting money ALL WRONG? Here’s a step-by-step guide to living a rich life.

things to know

The path to joyful, easy prosperity often requires partnership - within or externally - between the masculine and the feminine. Yet, for many, either or both of those energies in us are wounded and distrusting of the other.

So today we’re going to explore how you can begin to heal and re-partner your masculine and feminine - within and in your outer relationships - so that you can receive the bounty of this VERY fertile sacred marriage.


Have gold riches or the color gold ever been prominent in your dreams? Or have you experienced a golden glimmer or sheen to everything?

If you have, one association to gold is, of course, wealth. It has a deeper correspondence however, and one that often helps us call in wealth: Development of the inner masculine - from Child to King - no matter whether you identify male, female or non-gendered. ☀️

The masculine is a solar energy, and why gold can be a signal of its power. Gold represents the Divine Masculine and symbolizes action, will, and sovereignty. The sun radiates its power outward, and that power is enough to sustain life here on earth, and also scorch life that gets too close. 🔥

TO AWAKEN YOUR INNER KING: Identify what stage of evolution your inner masculine is in, and then assist it in evolving into a King. Also identify and address any shadow that may arise at each stage. Remember that evolution is INTEGRATION. You do not leave behind or sacrifice an archetype or stage in order to progress. Rather you integrate one into the next, having first purified and refined and matured it. Integration is also ALCHEMY.


What is a King without his Queen? Now is the time of the feminine’s divine rising in all of us, men and women. And that divine feminine demands her masculine counterpart. They are partners. Lovers. Co-Creators.

Yet for many of us, our inner feminine has been belittled, abused, made small and unseen or unheard or unwelcome. Because of this, as our feminine rises, we can finally feel empowerment for the first time and use it to attack or return the favor to the masculine we may feel originally betrayed us.

On the other hand, when we attempt to empower our inner masculine, our wounded feminine can rise up and block progress or trigger fears and obstacles. And that can prevent an equally wounded and repressed masculine from feeling safe enough to heal and rise.

So we would be remiss to encourage one without the other…

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Consider that each archetype has a light aspect and dark aspect. In the masculine’s empowered light aspect, it resources, supports and is devoted to the feminine. In the feminine’s empowered light aspect, it thrives on the ground, structures and directives the masculine can give.

And both can become wounded, and like wounded animals, attack. The enemy is not the other energy, but the wounding that yanks either energy out of its natural expression.


The Empress in Tarot represents fertility and can aid in re-birthing a new expression of your inner feminine (and masculine) energies. She also embraces and exerts her power with grace and love and appreciation.

It is a lush power that nurtures, accepts and supports; it is not a hard aggressive power that judges, though she is expert at discernment and boundaries.

She can apply her sovereign energies to nurturing, healing, and manifesting what she wants. And she does so unapologetically. She knows she deserves all she desires. And she welcomes her Emperor / King and the container he provides her for her Power.

HOW TO ACTIVATE THE EMPRESS' POWER: ⭐ Reflect on The Empress' lush garden, her crown of stars, and the flowing river. How do these symbols speak to your own ways your inner feminine desires to be resourced and supported? Or ways she wishes to express and create?

Then, just like with your inner King, identify and evolve your inner feminine along her own pathway from Maiden to Queen.

👉 Also, this Empress tarot spread 🃏

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The Remover of Obstacles pairs his Mother’s blessings of abundance with a fierce discernment and power for identifying and removing obstacles. When tackling the potential dramas between your masculine and feminine energies, we highly recommend having Ganesha in your corner! 🧡