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  • 🍁✨ Seasonal magic hacks for brighter mood + detoxed vibes 🌈 💚

🍁✨ Seasonal magic hacks for brighter mood + detoxed vibes 🌈 💚

Plus, crystals & rituals for weight loss, pumpkin spice health finds and more...

What do you want to harvest this autumn? Wealth… love… healing… a new life purpose? Whatever it is - consider creating a crystal grid to hold and magnify your intention!


Need some magical hacks for sidestepping the energy dip that comes with the changing of the seasons? 🌿🍂🍁

The shift from summer to autumn is a potent time for magical workings focused on balance, transformation, and preparation.

As the wheel of the year turns, we move from the outward, expansive energy of summer into the more introspective, harvesting energy of fall. This transition provides unique opportunities to align our magical practices with the changing seasons.

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Learn how to incorporate Autumn’s energies into your magical and spiritual practices with this guide. Also, keep your body moving through the seasonal transition by ritualizing your work out as a magical practice! 🏃‍♂️💫


Like any chronic condition, if you’ve struggled to lose weight, then most likely the culprit isn’t purely physical. It’s BECOME physical - but targeting the symptoms often won’t correct the underlying issue.

Luckily, because everything is energy, and all energy is conscious, you can always combine inquiry with any energy healing modality, such as crystals. 🌟

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Consider exploring your personal symptoms and complaints in one or both of the following books, and write down what you find:

Then ask yourself, and write down, what comes to mind that could have contributed to the metaphysical, emotional or mental causes mentioned for your symptoms. 📝 Take note of the really strong negative emotions - because that’s likely what is stuck in your body and asking for release. 💚

Then explore which crystals possess the properties to either 1) cleanse the negative emotions you wish to release, or 2) attune the replacement positive emotions you wish to feel - such as those mentioned in the positive affirmations given in You Can Heal Your Body for each symptom.

Crystals can also help alter the moods and mental states that contribute to weight gain: anxiety, insomnia, depression and stress. Carry them with you, include them in your magical workings, or create a crystal grid to amplify their healing energies.

🥳 👉 Also, crystals for other chronic conditions or infection, plus 21 best healing crystals for men.


We love connecting you to all the incredible vibrational power of nature and the cosmos… however we also always want to remind you that you have all the power you need for creating what you desire.

One of your greatest powers: JOY. 🤪

And when you allow joy to ripple through your entire body through laughter, you deliver a potent energetic cleanse and help your body and field vibrate out what no longer benefits you.

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Watch your favorite funny movie, join a laughter club, or take a laughter yoga class, and get your joy moving through your body! Each chuckle sends ripples through your energy field, shaking loose stagnant vibes and inviting in a higher frequency. 🌈 ✨

PS. If you struggle with discomfort from nervous laughter, this could be due to unresolved trauma and a signal inviting you toward healing.

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Cuteness overload… 🐧 Watch baby penguins take a mud bath!!

We can’t help ourselves. We love pumpkin. We love spice. We love autumn cozy vibes! 🍁 So here are some of our fav health finds, spiced pumpkin style. 🧡