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πŸ«·πŸ’šπŸ«Έ This crystal can hold energetic boundaries for you

Plus, a full moon glow up hack for tomorrow, Kabbalah tree of life pathworking and more...

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In a world of rare and expensive crystals, there's a reason why seasoned practitioners often reach for humble selenite first.

This luminous crystal, named for the Greek moon goddess Selene, might be one of the most affordable stones you can buy - but its power is anything but common.

Think of selenite like nature's energetic reset button. Just as rebooting your phone can clear glitches and restore proper function, selenite has a unique ability to clear and reset energetic fields - whether that's your personal energy, a room's atmosphere, or even your other crystals. 🀍

Even better - what is the #1 thing most healers, practitioners and, well, humans struggle with? BOUNDARIES.

Selenite, strategically placed where you do your healing work or kept on your person, can maintain energetic boundaries for you.

Example: One of my clients, a therapist, was experiencing increasing anxiety and energetic heaviness from absorbing her clients' emotional states throughout the day.

Adding selenite stands to her office corners completely transformed her work environment - now she can maintain clear boundaries while still holding space for others' healing.

Another client couldn't figure out why one room in her house felt perpetually "heavy" despite regular sage cleansing.

One selenite lamp later, the space finally felt clear and welcoming - turns out selenite's high vibrational frequency naturally dissipates stagnant or negative energy.

What makes selenite uniquely powerful:

  • It's one of the few crystals that never needs cleansing itself

  • Its crystalline structure naturally conducts and amplifies light energy

  • It works continuously in your space, like a spiritual air purifier

  • It helps clear mental fog and enhance intuitive clarity

  • It creates energetic boundaries while remaining open to positive flow

Selenite is your powerhouse crystal ally. And it's so inexpensive, you can work with larger pieces for your altar, healing space and home.

PRO TIP: Don't buy large crystals at metaphysical stores. They're often priced 3x to 5x over wholesale (what the store got them for).

Instead, research online for local crystal, metaphysical and gem shows. You can get large pieces for incredible prices!

The Tuscon Gem Show (starting this week!) and Denver Gem Show are the largest. If you travel, be sure to drive (you'll be lugging literal ROCKS home) or ask if large pieces can be shipped to your home.

Amaya Dinesa
Professional Psychic Healer


Tomorrow, February 12th as well as the 13th, will be a Full Moon! During this powerful manifesting period, you can write a manifestation letter declaring all you choose to create and experience.

The secret? The full moon's light carries specific frequencies that can help transmute your written words into energetic reality blueprints.

It's like having access to the universe's own quantum manifestation technology! ⚑

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Under the full moon, write your letter in blue ink (for truth) or gold (for manifestation). Begin with "Under this full moon, I declare…"

Seal with a drop of moon-charged water or essential oil. Read aloud three times, then safely burn to release to the universe.


The Tree of Life is an ancient pathworking map in Kabbalah that represents the structure of the universe, the path to enlightenment and the relationship between the divine and the world.

Some even believe we each have our own personal Tree of Life configuration for how we evolve and work with each sephirah (sphere) and their divine qualities.

Think of each sephirah as a cosmic subway station, each connecting you to different aspects of divine consciousness. And those paths between them? They can be utilized as interdimensional highways for your spiritual growth. πŸš‡

This isn't just visualization or imagination. You're accessing actual spiritual territories that exist in higher dimensions. Ancient Kabbalists used these pathways as an integral part of their spiritual practice and consciousness awakening.

TO ACTIVATE THIS POWER: Begin at Malkuth (the bottom sphere). Visualize a golden door with the sphere's symbol.

State: "I enter this sacred path with divine protection and guidance." Move upward through each sphere, collecting its wisdom. Remember - the journey is as important as the destination!

Manifestation is all about consistency of vibration. Create little reminders everywhere you go that you ARE love. And so love is drawn to you.

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