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❤️‍🔥⚔️ Viking love magic for when sex isn't what it used to be 💥

Plus, magic beauty rituals and spells, breaking the self-sabotage curse, and more...

Remember that magic sometimes sparks in the quietest of moments when we are at our most human. So does love.

You know — in those small moments when someone sees your weird morning hair and internet search history… and sticks around anyway. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


For the Norse vikings of old, war, conquest, love and magic were so intertwined, that all were the domain of their primary Goddess Freyja.

We are particularly interested in this fierce, warrior approach to love for those who have felt that they can only bring safety, sweetness, kindness and comfort to romance. While these qualities are necessary, they can feel incomplete. 🫥

If we can only bring one portion or half of ourselves to our intimate partner, then we are suppressing many other parts of our whole expression as a person.

When we suppress ourselves, we can rarely keep sexual interest alive - for our partnership energies then lack the polarity and fueling life force energy necessary for sexual arousal.

So if you need to spark that fire of passion, consider working with Freyja, and with viking magic, also known as Seiðr magic.

A type of wild magic, or shamanism, Norse Seiðr magic does not flinch from the elemental and chaos powers that often ignite the greater passions — for love or war.

When you invite Freyja into the inner workings of your love life, she can bring the fierceness necessary to face the dark places we try to hide from ourselves and our partners.

She can expertly cleanse and awaken those places so that all the locked up life force and sexual energy there can release, and become available.

Freyja is also a solar goddess and can shine light on what needs to be transformed.


Ladies, have you ever looked in the mirror after following all the "right" beauty steps and still felt... something missing?

That spark, that glow, that feeling of being truly connected to your own beauty?

And fellas: when was the last time you really spent time in front of the mirror, connecting to yourself, your gaze, your self-care and the wonders of your body?

Here's what few people talking about: Real beauty magic isn't about perfect contouring or the latest skincare gadget. It's about transforming those everyday moments at your mirror into powerful rituals of self-love and intention.

When you slow down and infuse your beauty routine with meaning, something shifts. Your skincare becomes self-care. Your morning routine becomes a moment of power. And yes, you'll probably notice your skin glowing a bit brighter too.

From simple moon-charged water that amplifies your natural radiance to crystal-infused oils that help you feel more confident and centered, these aren't complicated tricks - they're practical tools for connecting deeper with yourself and your innate beauty.


Have you diligently funneled time, intention, magical ritual and practical effort into attracting love… just to find something isn’t quite landing? 🤦

Contrary to what your fears might tell you, It’s NOT you that’s the issue.

The real culprit? It's those sneaky self-sabotage patterns running in the background of your heart.

Think about it. You swipe right on the apps, charge your love crystal grid, stick with your daily love meditation practice and keep putting yourself out there. 🙌

But what if some part of you just isn’t really into it? A part of you that’s expecting to be disappointed — in your ear saying “why bother,” or convinced that all the good ones are already gone.

In fact, maybe the sabotage gets you before you even DO any of that. 😮‍💨

That's not just negative thinking - it's old protective magic your heart created long ago, still running on autopilot. We call them agreements or past-life contracts — emotionally-backed decisions made in childhood or a past life to limit your life experience or expression in order to keep you safe.

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