SOMA Daily
Your daily swig of enlightenment, self-help inspo and mystical know-how to skyrocket your vibe
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A special direct transmission from Supreme Mother + Supreme Father for humanity during these times...
Plus, why the gods may be ghosting you, how baby Zeus got the goods out of a goat's horn and more...
Plus, how to use the tarot for financial guidance, daily affirmations for each zodiac sign and more...
Plus, getting the Remover of Obstacles in your corner, seeing gold in your dreams and more...
An in-depth guide to celebrating the Sabbats and transforming your life according to the Wheel of the Year
Plus, overlooked spirit guides you want in your corner, spiritual Barbie and more...
Plus: Quick chakra tune-up, hand mudras for manifestation and more...
Plus, a third eye activation with frankincense, a sacred meal blessing and more...
A psychic oracle reading for your week ahead - Mar 9 - 15
Plus: Plus, a waxing moon manifesting ritual, heart activation and more...
A psychic oracle reading for your week ahead - Mar 2-8
Plus, a twin flame ritual, ancestral healing altar and more...
Plus, an altar activation to call in your beloved, cosmic download activation and more...
A psychic oracle reading for your week ahead - Feb 23 - Mar 1
Plus, a crystal grid you can dance with, Hebrew letter activations and more...
Plus, a new moon oil blend, the witchy crystal that packs a dizzying punch and more...
Plus, the hidden water temple in your home (not 🛀 or 🚿), your personal power mantra and more...