Plus, Egyptian magic for modern users, limitless possibilites w/ the Great I AM and more...
An in-depth guide to magically maximizing your natural cycles, energy and powers
Plus, the crystal that guards your wealth and the autumn spice used in tantric money magic
Plus, high holy love and return to self, the ancient origin of the heart symbol and more...
Plus, how to activate radiant living with the chakra-endocrine connection and more...
Plus, celebrating forgiveness at Das Lakshan, Celtic tree astrology, and more...
An in-depth guide to celebrating the Sabbats and transforming your life according to the Wheel of the Year
Plus, how to create your own personal charged sigil, healing financial trauma with the new moon and more...
Plus, how your ancestral lineage can affect love, a crystal for unmet needs and more...
Plus, crystals & rituals for weight loss, pumpkin spice health finds and more...
Plus, dreamwalking, how to use your five senses to reach altered states, and more...
In-depth guide on the alchemy of using colors together for nuanced intention + powerful manifestation